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General Admission Requirements

Students are admitted to Teleo University based on spirituality, ministry zeal, academic ability, and their current role as a pastor, Bishop, church planter, or spouse. Teleo University is an educational institution for those who are already in vocational or bi-vocational pastoral ministry.  Teleo University provides Theological Education by Extension through a correspondence curriculum facilitated in study groups called T-Net Training Centers. All Teleo University students are expected to participate in a T-Net Training Center study group.

Admission Requirements By by Program: 

Click on the program below to view or download an admissions matrix: 

​Spiritual Requirements: Belief and Character

Applicants must agree with, personally adhere to, and support Teleo University’s Doctrinal Statement. By completing and signing the application, the applicant promises to respect and comply with the student standards of conduct of Teleo University.


Applicants are to give evidence of Christian character and must maintain a lifestyle consistent with biblical standards of a daily walk with Christ. Teleo University serves students in many cultures around the world, and we acknowledge that some practices will be considered acceptable by Christians in one culture but not another. Therefore, Teleo University insists that the Scriptures be the guide for godly conduct for both students and faculty. Where Scripture is clear, we will be clear, but where it is not, there will be freedom and grace.


Christian Service Requirements

Serving is an integral part of the Christian life. Students enrolled in Teleo University are non-traditional students who are serving as pastors, church planters, and Christian leaders in the local church. Christian service is not something added to the course work it is integrated into the entire educational experience at Teleo University at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Serving and loving non-Christians and helping disciples grow is a way of life for those seeking to finish the Great Commission.


Admission Requirements by Awards

Certificate Programs Admission Requirements

  1. (United States residents) A high school diploma representing the successful completion of 12 years of schooling.

  2. (Non-US residents) No education prerequisites; demonstrates the ability to study at this level.

  3. An applicant must be active in *ministry and authorized to implement assignments within a local church.

*Active in Ministry typically is reflected by the following roles: Senior Pastor, Associate/Assistant Pastor, Church Planter, Elder/Church Leader, Pastor’s Spouse.


Diploma Programs Admission Requirements

  1. (United States residents) A high school diploma representing the successful completion of 12 years of schooling.

  2. (Non-US residents) Completed ten years of schooling; demonstrates the ability to study at this level.

  3. An applicant must be active in *ministry and authorized to implement assignments within a local church.

*Active in Ministry typically is reflected by the following roles: Senior Pastor, Associate/Assistant Pastor, Church Planter, Elder/Church Leader, Pastor’s Spouse.


Bachelor’s Degree Programs Admission Requirements

  1. Successful completion of 12 years of schooling or its equivalent. (International students graduating at grade 10 meet the grade 12 equivalence by having completed the first two years of a diploma program.)

  2. In exceptional cases, mature candidates (aged 30 and above with at least five years of ministry experience) who have not completed the prerequisite schooling may be admitted on a probationary status based on the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.

  3. An applicant must be active in *ministry and authorized to implement assignments within a local church.

*Active in Ministry typically is reflected by the following roles: Senior Pastor, Associate/Assistant Pastor, Church Planter, Elder/Church Leader, Pastor’s Spouse, Bishop or Denominational Leader.

  • (International students transfer credit requirements) A Bachelor of Pastoral Ministry (TISOT) student must transfer 15 hours of undergraduate credit from another college or university to complete the 120 total credit hours required to graduate. These 15 credit hours may come from a previous diploma program, a two-year associate of arts degree, or 15 earned credits that did not culminate in completing a program. Grade 10 graduates must transfer 15 credit hours earned from the third year of a diploma program.

  • (United States residents general education requirements) Teleo University does not offer the government required bachelor’s degree general education courses but welcomes the transfer of these general education credits from partner schools and other institutions. For more information, refer to the Transfer of Credits Policy and General Studies Policy. There are two options to meet the general education requirements:

    • Option 1: Transfer credits previously earned from other institutions.

    • Option 2: Take the required 30 semester credits of general studies while completing the pastoral ministry program.


Master of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry Program Admission Requirements

  1. Successful completion of a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent from an accredited or recognized school.

  2. In extraordinary cases, mature candidates (aged 30 and above with at least five years of ministry experience) who have not completed the prerequisite schooling may be admitted on a probationary status based on the Recognition of Prior Learning Policy.

  3. An applicant must be active in *ministry and authorized to implement assignments within a local church.

*Active in Ministry typically is reflected by the following roles: Senior Pastor, Associate/Assistant Pastor, Church Planter, Elder/Church Leader, Pastor’s Spouse.


Policy and Provision for Female Students

Teleo University is proud to serve all evangelical denominations in training pastors and church leaders to finish the Great Commission. Our doctrinal statement is intentionally inclusive. It states what Christians have believed through the centuries around the world. Most denominations offer more detailed statements on specific doctrines, but Teleo University only requires agreement on these essentials.

Denominations and churches often hold to different views on women in ministry, but Teleo University does not impose either view on students or denominational partners.


  • Complementarian: This view generally teaches that while women are created with equal value to men in the eyes of God, they have been delegated a different role in the church that does not allow them to teach or to exercise authority over adult males.

  • Egalitarian: This view generally teaches that in the church, women are free to teach and exercise authority and serve in precisely the same way as men.


Policy Statement: All female pastors, evangelists, church planters, and spouses who desire to enroll in Teleo University, whether they are complementarian or egalitarian, will be allowed to do so. Provisions have been made within the curriculum and assignments to accommodate female students who are from denominations or a church that hold a complementarian position or whose cultural context limits them.

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