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About Teleo University

About Teleo University

Welcome to Teleo University 

We are a global distance education institution committed to equipping pastors and church leaders with world-class practical ministry training without leaving their churches and networks of ministry relationships. Teleo University partners with our parent organization, T-Net International, to offer distance education to the thousands of pastors and church leaders participating in training centers in 40 countries in Africa, Asia, and the Americas

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide affordable, accessible, accredited education to pastors and ministry leaders who are seeking to finish the Great Commission through multiplying disciple makers and initiating saturation church planting.

Our Distinctives 

Teleo University plays a unique role in global theological education. Teleo University’s focus is on Finishing the Great Commission of Jesus (Matthew 28:19-20) in each nation of the world by empowering indigenous pastors and church leaders. Teleo University is not in competition with Bible Colleges that prepare students to enter the ministry. Teleo only seeks

students who are currently pastors, church planters, or key lay leaders. These Christian leaders do not need to leave their ministries and families to attend classes. Teleo University offers no resident campus learning. Instead, students must remain in a local church ministry to implement what they learn in this unique online distance education program.


Teleo University began as an in-print and in-person hybrid distance education model but is now employing a fully online model using the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Teleo University professors share their knowledge with students online and through a cross-culturally tested curriculum. Students also gather locally by participating in in-person study groups to engage with the faculty instruction and complete some assignments and learning activities facilitated by peer mentors and program alumni. These study group facilitators help students contextualize the curriculum to the local culture, facilitate discussions and learning labs, and coach students to successfully complete assignments. The study groups provide the requisite face-to-face interaction to complete various course assignments and provide encouragement, support, and accountability vital to practical theological education.


Our Graduation and Placement Outcomes

Students admitted to Teleo University are chosen based on spirituality, ministry zeal, academic ability, and their current role as a pastor, Bishop, church planter, or church leader. Teleo University students are non-traditional. They maintain their work and ministry obligations while attending school part-time.


Our Institutional Goals

To accomplish our Mission Teleo University seeks to…

  1. Keep the cost of education accessible to all students regardless of their financial means.

  2. Provide students with learning resources adequate to meet the learning objectives of every study program.

  3. Provide students with accredited degrees and certificates.

  4. Complement not compete with existing Bible Colleges and Seminaries.

  5. Recruit and train students who are existing pastors and church leaders so they need not leave their current ministry positions but can apply their learning in their churches.

  6. Make finishing the Great Commission the primary objective of all training programs.

  7. Training students to revitalize local churches as disciple making churches. 

  8. Empower students as trainers and equippers who multiply disciple making training and saturation church planting to finish the Great Commission.

Our Values

Teleo University's core values define the character of the institution. Through our commitment to these values, we preserve that which has made Teleo University effective in accomplishing our unique mission:

  • Applied Learning: Requiring students to have an on-the-job training context so that pastors and church leaders apply their knowledge in real-life ministry.

  • Excellence in Training: Providing training that is uniquely practical, useful, and of the highest quality possible.

  • Revitalizing Churches: Training church leaders how to effectively make changes in local churches resulting in measurable life change in individual church members.

  • Sequential Disciple Making: Training church leaders to use a biblical phased definition of a disciple that includes “All” the beliefs, values, behaviors that Jesus commanded.

  • Trainer Practitioners: Utilizing instructors who are experienced pastors that have implemented the principles of disciple making that they teach.

  • Train to Finish: Training pastors not just to work at it, but to “finish” the Great Commission in their specific neighborhood, city, region or country.

  • Transferability: Providing training that is transferable and multiplied from leader to leader and from church to church.

  • Whole-Church Disciple Making: Training pastors and church leaders to use every ministry in their church to work together to produce the disciple Jesus intended.

Institutional Learning Outcomes

A student completing a degree from Teleo University will:

  1. Spiritual Formation: Continue grow as a Christian, cultivating ethical values and a life of personal integrity, personally and as a pastor, and learning to maintain life balance with Christ as Lord of all areas of life.

  2. Great Commission: Focus their life and ministry on finishing the Great Commission within defined areas and regions.

  3. Pastoral Leadership: Implement an intentional disciple making “philosophy of ministry” for the local church and develop the skills and knowledge required to be an effective disciple making pastoral leader who equips lay leaders, church planters and fellow pastors (2 Timothy 2:2).

  4. Bible Knowledge and Doctrine: Know how to study the Bible so as to think biblically and theologically and teach others to do so.

  5. Communication: Develop speaking, writing, reading, and interpersonal skills so as to communicate the Gospel and the love of Christ

  6. Cross-Cultural Awareness: As a Christian, learn how to recognize, appreciate and engage other cultures with within their region, country, and the world.

Authorization, Accreditation, and Affiliation

Visit the following webpage: Accreditation | Teleo University

Our Graduation and Placement Outcomes

Students admitted to Teleo University are chosen based on spirituality, ministry zeal, academic ability, and their current role as a pastor, Bishop, church planter, or church leader. Teleo University students are non-traditional. They maintain their work and ministry obligations while attending school part-time.

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